The Zepp Clarity One isn't the hearing aid of yesteryear, but the process of adapting to amplification hasn't changed much since the inception of hearing devices. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when beginning your journey, whether you just want to hear better in social situations or all environments:
- Listening with a hearing aid is different than listening with your normal ear, no matter how sophisticated or natural sounding the device is purported to be.
- It takes time to adjust to hearing aids fully. People often compare hearing aids and eyeglasses, but our ears have a much more complex relationship with the brain than the eyes. With a "perfect" eyeglass prescription, you should, ideally, be back to 20/20 vision. With hearing aids, you must become accustomed to hearing everything again (including the sound of crunching gravel and the cat meowing). Research has shown that the average amount of time to acclimate to hearing aids is approximately 30 days.
- Hearing aids can sometimes be very frustrating, but that does not mean you should give up. Again, your brain has to re-learn these sounds. Contact an audiologist for assistance if you continue to have hearing-related concerns or issues while wearing hearing aids.
- Your voice will likely sound different to you, and this is due, in part, to something called the "occlusion effect." When our ears are covered or plugged, our voice and body sounds (e.g., chewing) can be amplified, particularly in the lower pitches, giving us a sensation of increased loudness. This difference also takes time but should not be so bothersome that you can't stand wearing your hearing aids. Contact an audiologist for assistance if this happens for longer than a week.
- Take breaks from the hearing aids, particularly if you wear them all day. Listening is a demanding task for our brains and can lead to listening fatigue. Eventually, you'll be able to make it through the whole day, but until then, take breaks when needed.
- Practice makes perfect with hearing aids. As you probably realize, there's a lot involved in acclimating to hearing aids. Still, the only way to be a successful user is to wear the devices consistently in multiple environments. Give your brain some practice each day to increase your success.
Hearing aids are often part of a journey toward improved quality of life. While this list is a guide to what you can expect, we know that your hearing journey is unique to you. If you have questions, Zepp's Customer Support Team and staff Audiologist are here to help!